Interactive Curriculum Vitae (Selected)
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation
Fall 2008-Summer 2011, Master of Science in Art Conservation, Certificate in Painting Conservation
Pratt Institute of Art and Design, Brooklyn, NY
Fall 1997-Spring 2001, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking
Longevity Art Preservation LLC, Los Angeles then Miami, September 2013 - Current
President and Chief Conservator-Scientist
Leader in a current multi-organization Basquiat and Warhol technical research project
Hired to analyze paintings by masters such as de Kooning, Basquiat, Dalí, and Picasso toward authentication
Carried out large-scale built heritage analysis projects on works by Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Neutra, and at Coconut Grove Playhouse, Miami Marine Stadium, NPS sites, and for the City of Coral Gables among others
Conservation of works by Victor Vasarely, Frida Kahlo, Murillo, Damien Hirst, and more
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Affiliated Consultant; collaborations with conservators across the country
Featured art science specialist on the BBC television program Fake or Fortune, major media coverage and interviews, presented about the company’s work at several professional meetings
Analysis of Sam Francis paintings, results included in Sam Francis: The Artist’s Materials (Zebala and Burchett-Lere, Getty Publications, 2019)
Major discovery of previously unknown Basquiat technique: colorless UV-fluorescent drawing
Association for Preservation Technology, Miami, FL, November 2019
Instructor, Technical Committee on Materials workshop, “How to use materials analysis to inform the preservation design process”
Two-day workshop for professionals at conference location and on-site at historic Shoreland Arcade, Miami
Participated in curriculum development and authored lecture material focused on testing methods
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, DE, August 2018
Instructor, Introduction to Polarized Light Microscopy
Two-day training for graduate art conservation students at Winterthur research labs
Responsible for curriculum development, lecture material, instruction, and hands-on microscopy training
Art Preservation Index®, Miami, FL, July 2014 - Current
Creator and Founder
The Art Preservation Index® (APIx), an art-data startup, is the stability rating system for fine art. A patent-pending invention, APIx is the first of its kind and was designed to standardize the measurement of stability risks of blue-chip paintings and other types of artwork that may deteriorate over time. Created APIx Mobile App and APIx Database. Finalist in two start-up competitions and recognized by Miami Herald Top 20 Under 40 Award.
Patent Number USPTO 20160019554, Standard System and Method for Assigning Ratings to Art Materials and Works of Art Based on the Projected Stability of the Constituents, July 2022.
Selected Press: Wall Street Journal/Barron's; Worth Magazine; Miami Herald 20 Under 40; Reuters; FINalternatives; LA Business Journal; more press
The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, September 2011 – May 2014
Associate Project Specialist, Field Projects Department (renamed Buildings and Sites)
Conservation of and research into Roman wall paintings at the archaeological site of Herculaneum, David Alfaro Siqueiros’s monumental mural, America Tropical, and the historic Eames House. Managed large-scale projects and multi-level teams. Coauthored 3 publications, and presented new research at 3 professional conferences.
Herculaneum Project: Casa del Bicentenario; graphic documentation, treatment testing, scientific analysis, and dissemination; assisted with graduate intern management
Conservation of David Alfaro Siqueiros, America Tropical, 1932: graphic documentation, treatment testing, treatment, reporting, and dissemination; assisted with team management. Winner of the LA Conservancy Preservation Award 2013. Voted one of ten "Best Art Museum Exhibits of 2012" by the LA Times. Watch Videos Selected Press: LA Times (Muchnic) - LA Times (Knight) - LA Times (Best of)
Eames House Conservation Project: in-situ paint analysis of exterior metal finishes; paint excavation, optical microscopy, reporting, and dissemination - Download
The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, September 2010 – September 2011
Getty Graduate Internship Fellow, Science Department, Modern and Contemporary Art Material Research
Full fellowship at the foremost conservation research institution and the largest arts institution in the world. Hired directly out of the fellowship into the Getty Conservation Institute.
Conservation of and research into Roman wall paintings at the archaeological site of Herculaneum, paintings by Jack Youngerman and Clyfford Still, and the large-scale Anti-Graffiti Coatings Project experiment
Authored the primary publication on anti-graffiti coatings research and gave 4 professional presentations
Herculaneum Project: Casa del Bicentenario: condition mapping of Tablinum murals
Anti-Graffiti Coatings Project: research and experimentation on coatings for outdoor murals
Clyfford Still, Materials and Techniques: cross-sectional optical microscopy and ESEM of paint samples
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, China, Summer 2010
Conservation Intern and team leader under the supervision of Dr. Susan Buck
Collaboration with the Palace Museum, Forbidden City, Beijing, and Tsinghua University, Fengguo Temple, Yixian County, China; Scientific research of 12th-century Buddhist murals
First person to adapt architecture mapping software, Metigo Map, for use on wall paintings
Received grants to take Metigo Map to China to train professors, students, and conservators in the field
Authored primary publication on graphic documentation methods for conservation; presented work at 8 professional conferences and symposia - Download publication
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, DE, 2008 - 2010
Graduate Fellow, Paintings Conservation
Conservation treatment and analysis of paintings by Alice Neel, Felrath Hines, and Adolf Luben; and murals by Willard Borow and Taber Sears
First ever from the school to win the prestigious Getty Graduate Fellowship in the Getty Conservation Institute.
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, DE, 2010
Teacher’s Assistant, Conservation and Analysis of Paintings, Instructor Joyce Hill Stoner
Instructed undergraduate students in conservation of paintings and cross-sectional optical microscopy
Western Center for the Conservation of Fine Arts, Denver, CO, 2009
Paintings Conservation Intern
Conservation treatment of murals by George Fort Gibbs at the Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, OK; Architectural paint excavation at the Pioneer Historical Society, CO; Conservation treatment of Marcus Akinlana’s Mile High and Rising, and Leo Tanguma’s The Children of the World Dream in Peace and In Peace and Harmony with Nature
National Museum of American Illustration, Newport, RI, 2008
Paintings Conservation Technician; Treatment of James Wall Finn’s Tiffany Treillage Loggia Murals, 1901
The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
Paintings Conservation Intern; Treatment of 19th-century European frames
John Canning Conservation, Washington D.C., 2008
Paintings Conservation Technician; Treatment of decorative wall painting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Vice Presidential Ceremonial Office
Barbara Ventresco and Wendy Samet, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
Paintings Conservation Technician; Treatment of Al Held mural
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, DE, 2007- 2008
Paintings Conservation Intern; Treatment of 18th-century Charles Willson Peale Portrait of William Paca, 1772
Judith Eisenberg Textile Conservation, New York, NY, 2006 - 2007
Volunteer Intern, then Textile Conservation Technician; Treatment of General Bouregard’s Civil War Saddle, objects from the Jewish Museum and the Rubin Museum, and the AIDS Memorial Quilts
The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, 2007
Art Handler in Conservation Department; Art handling of the Renoir collection and works by Matisse and Picasso
The Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA, 2007
Paintings Conservation Intern; Treatment of paintings by Bierstadt, Regnault, and Roussel
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 2007
Volunteer Conservation Intern; Deinstallation of the Ten Thousand Springs Pavilion
St. John the Divine Textile Conservation Lab, New York, NY, 2006-2007
Volunteer Intern, Textile conservation; Treatment of tapestries
Anti-graffiti coatings, 2010 - 2013, 2021 - present
Materials and techniques of 17th-century European paintings, 2019 - present
Materials and techniques of modern masters, 2015 – present
Forensic analysis of fine art, 2015 - present
Technical imaging of paintings, 2015 - present
Rating system for fine art based on longevity and stability of materials, 2014 - present
Graphic documentation methods for art conservation, 2009 – present
Analysis of architectural finishes, 2009 - present
Art material spectral library for mobile infrared analysis, 2015 - 2017
Materials and techniques of Roman wall paintings, 2011 - 2013
History of exterior metal finishes on the Eames House, 2012 - 2013
Murals in America, 1893 to present, 2010
Materials and techniques of Chinese wall paintings, 2010
Materials and techniques of Spanish Colonial paintings, 2010
16th-century European paneled strainer construction, specifically El Greco strainers, 2009
MacDonald-Korth, E. and James Korth. 2016. Standard System and Method for Assigning Ratings to Art Materials and Works of Art Based on the Projected Stability of the Constituents. United States Patent and Trade Office; patent number 20160019554.
Book Chapters:
Phenix, A., Wendy Lindsey, Rachel Rivenc, and Emily MacDonald-Korth. 2019. “Analysis of Paint Stratigraphies, Pigments, and Organic Binders at the Residence of the Eames House.” In Eames House Conservation Project: Investigations 2011 to 2016, edited by Laura Matarese, Chandler McCoy and Gail Ostergren. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles. Download
MacDonald-Korth, E. 2019. “In-Situ Paint Investigation of the Exterior Steelwork of the Eames House Residence and Studio.” In Eames House Conservation Project: Investigations 2011 to 2016, edited by Laura Matarese, Chandler McCoy and Gail Ostergren. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles. Download
Pique, F., Leslie Rainer, and Emily MacDonald-Korth. 2016. “Observations on Materials and Techniques Used in Roman Wall Paintings from the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary at Herculaneum.” In Beyond Iconography, Materials, Methods, and Meaning in Ancient Surface Decoration, edited by Sarah Lepinski and Susana McFadden. Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture, AIA Monographs, vol. 1. Download
MacDonald-Korth, E., Tom Learner, and Leslie Rainer. 2015. “Research into Anti-Graffiti Coatings for Acrylic Murals: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation.” In Conservation Issues in Modern and Contemporary Murals. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne. Download
MacDonald-Korth, E. 2022. “Investigations of Historic Finishes: Finding the Earliest Extant Color and More” APT Bulletin.
MacDonald-Korth, E. and R. Levenson. 2017. “A Colonial Portrait and a Mystery.” Painting Specialty Group Postprints, American Institute for Conservation 45th Annual Meeting.
MacDonald-Korth, E. and L. Rainer. 2014. “Preserving a Legacy, Getty Conservation Institute Contribution [the conservation of America Tropical by David Alfaro Siqueiros].” Getty Research Journal.
MacDonald-Korth, E. 2012. Speed, Precision, and a Lighter Load: Metigo MAP 3.0, a Great Advancement in Condition Mapping for Large-Scale Projects. Painting Specialty Group Postprints, American Institute for Conservation 39th Annual Meeting. Download
Emily MacDonald-Korth and Carlos Moya: Fengguo Temple, Yixian, China. UD Daily (University of Delaware). Coauthored by Carlos Moya. July 2010. Link to article
Report from Emily MacDonald-Korth, Western Center for the Conservation of Fine Arts, Denver. UD Daily (University of Delaware). August 2009. Link to article
Emily MacDonald-Korth, "How to see what’s invisible: Basquiat’s hidden inscriptions", Hidden Images, Symbols, and Inscriptions: Viewing Basquiat's Works in a New Light, 2022
-, “Conservation Confidential” Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, 2021
-, “Street Art: The Science of its Preservation” Association for Preservation Technology-American Association of Architects Technical Committee on Materials, 2021
-, “Running an art conservation business: The basics” Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, 2020
-, “The science of artwork deterioration in South Florida and how to stop it” PURE Insurance/Fortress Art Storage, 2018
-, “Science in Art Authentication” American Association of Museums and Galleries Annual Meeting, 2018
-, “Scientific Analysis and Conservation of Paintings and Painted Surfaces” AIC Annual Meeting, 2018; The Science of Things: Theory and Practice for Obtaining Independent Technical Results
-, “Forensic Art Conservation: Research and Preservation of Art and Architecture” Vizcaya Museum, 2018
-, “Forensic Art Conservation” ArtTable Five-Minute Rounds, 2018
-, “Expert Advice for Savvy Collectors: Art Acquisition and Preservation” Art Basel Chubb panel, Art Basel Miami, The Sagamore, 2017
-, “Art Conservators Can Do Things That No One Else Can: Some Ideas of How to Use Your Superpowers” Winterthur/University of Delaware 40th Reunion, 2017
-, “A Colonial Portrait and a Mystery” AIC Annual Meeting, 2017
-, “Science in the Study of Art” Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, 2017
-, “Historic Paint Analysis” Wiss, Janney, Elstner, 2017
-, “Science in Art Authentication” Boca Raton Museum of Art, 2016
-, “BBC Fake or Fortune? Portraits” BBC television, 2016
-, “Conservators in Private Practice” AIC Annual Meeting, 2015
-, “Art Preservation Index / APIx” University of Delaware, 2015
-, “Art Preservation Index / APIx Business Plan Challenge Video Pitch” The Miami Herald, 2015
-, “Miami Herald Top 20 Under 40 Award, Art Preservation Index” Miami Center for Arch. and Design, 2014
-, “Reuters Global Market Forum Live Chat” Reuters, 2014
-, “Mounting Paint Samples Using the Phenix Method” Getty Conservation Institute, 2014
-, “Fifteen Shades of Grey? Color Analysis on the Eames House” AIC Annual Meeting, 2013
-, “Observations on Materials and Techniques Used in Roman Wall Paintings from the Tablinum of the Casa del Bicentenario at Herculaneum” Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, 2013
-, “Research into Anti-Graffiti Coatings for Acrylic Murals: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation” Modern and Contemporary Mural Paintings, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 2012
-, “Speed, Precision, and a Lighter Load: Metigo MAP 3.0, a Great Advancement in Condition Mapping for Large-Scale Projects” American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting, 2011
-, “Tsinghua University/University of Delaware: Fengguosi Documentation and Research Project” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2011
-, “University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation: Education on Campus and Abroad” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2011
-, “New Technology for an Ancient Practice: Documentation Mapping with Metigo Map 3.0” J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Conservation Institute, Winterthur Museum, University of Delaware, the Palace Museum and Forbidden City (China), Fengguosi Temple (China), 2010-2011, 6 presentations
-, “Authentication of Two Spanish Colonial Paintings” Winterthur Museum, 2010
-, “Introduction to Optical Microscopy for Art Conservation,” University of Delaware, 2010, 3 lectures
-, “Conservation Out West,” Winterthur Museum, University of Delaware, 2009, 2 lectures
Art Slant Juried Showcase Winner, 2015, for microscopy-based photography
Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge, 2015, Finalist, for Art Preservation Index
University of Delaware Horn School of Entrepreneurship Startup Funding Competition, 2015, Finalist, for APIx
Miami Herald Top 20 Under 40 Emerging Leadership Award, 2014
Getty Graduate Internship Fellowship, 2010 - 2011
Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation George Stout Grant, 2011
Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation Graduate Fellowship, 2008 – 2010
Betty Fiske Award in Asian Art Preservation, 2010
Samuel Kress Foundation Grant, 2010
Society of Winterthur Fellows Professional Development Award, 2009
IIC News in Conservation, interview, discussion about out-of-the-box conservation careers, 2019
IIC News in Conservation, interview, discussion about Basquiat forensic discovery, 2019
ArtNet News, interview, discussion about Basquiat forensic discovery, 2019
Smithsonian Magazine, interview, discussion about Basquiat forensic discovery, 2019
Vice, article about Basquiat forensic discovery, 2019
The Atlantic, interview, discussion of contemporary art stability issues, 2017
BBC Fake or Fortune?, featured authentication expert, 2016
Fortune, interview, commentary on new work by artist Sarah Meyohas and the art market, 2016
The Art Newspaper, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index, 2015
ArtNet News, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2015
Smithsonian Magazine, interview, for forensic work at Herculaneum archaeological site, 2015
Miami Herald, Business Plan Challenge, 2015
Private Art Investor, interview, art world leaders give expert insights into 2015 art market, 2015
Miami Herald, interview, Top 20 Under 40, 2014
Private Art Investor, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2014
Worth Magazine, feature about Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2014
FINalternatives, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2014
Reuters, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2014
Reuters Global Market Forum, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index, 2014
Barron’s/Wall Street Journal, interview, discussion of art markets and Art Preservation Index, 2014
LA Business Journal, feature about Art Preservation Index/APIx, 2014
LA Times, for work on Eames House paint analysis, 2013
LA Times, for work on Siqueiros America Tropical, 2013
Ultraviolet Illumination (UV), Infrared Reflectography (IRR), X-Radiography, Multispectral Imaging
Digital photo documentation and processing, AIC standards
Analytical Instrumentation, Hands-On: Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), Cross-Sectional Microscopy with Fluorochrome Staining, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), SEM in the Backscattered Electron mode (SEM-BSE), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR), Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy, Colorimetry/Spectrophotometry, Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS)
Analytical Instrumentation: Raman Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS, HPLC-MS)
Basic understanding of electronics and circuit design, electrical and mechanical skills
Hand and power tools, scaffold work, lighting, scissor lift operation, MIG welding
Software: Adobe Creative Suite, MetigoMap, AutoCAD, MonuMap, Articheck, intro level Python and R programming, various audio and video editing programs
Association for Preservation Technology Annual Conference, 2019
American Institute for Conservation Annual Conference, 2010 – 2018
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, Princeton University for Coursera, 2017
Cleaning of Acrylic Painted Surfaces, Ringling Museum, 2016
R Programming, Johns Hopkins University for Coursera, 2016
Introduction to Python for Data Science, Microsoft for EdX, 2016
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, Johns Hopkins University for Coursera, 2016
SUP-X, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2016
AIA Layers of Understanding, Miami, FL, 2015
Startup City, Miami, FL, 2015
Archaeological Institute of America Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 2013
The Siqueiros Legacy: Conserving the Artist’s Monumental Murals, Los Angeles, CA, 2012
Modern and Contemporary Mural Paintings: Technique, Conservation and Access, Valencia, Spain, 2012
Presenting Data and Information: One-Day Course by Edward Tufte, Los Angeles, CA, 2012
Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, 2009
Studying Old Master Paintings - Technology and Practice, London, UK, 2009
Art Historians and Conservators in Collaboration, University of Delaware, 2007
Responsibilities in Conservation, AIC Course, 2007
University of Delaware College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council, 2021 – Present, Council Member
Coral Gables Arts Advisory Panel, 2018 – Present, Board Member
ArtTable, 2015 - 2021, Treasurer and Mentor
American Institute for Conservation, 2006 – Present
International Institute for Conservation, 2008 – Present
Archaeological Institute of America, 2013 - 2014